Scroll past the image below for more info on my blog, or navigate directly to the entry of your choosing.

I really had to stop myself from calling this blog “Blogging Molly” instead of the rather dull “My Blog.” One, because how many people will get the reference. Two, the bigger factor, it’s probably not the best Focus Keyphrase.
What’s a Focus Keyphrase? I’ll give you the short answer as I really don’t want you falling asleep just yet.
A Focus Keyphrase is a word or a few words which are coded into your webpage in order to increase your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This might also be explained as having to write parts of your website clunkily in order to make the Google Gods care.
(Yes, clunkily is a word.)
What will I share on my blog, you ask? That is an excellent question. I’ve never kept a blog before, so I can have goals here yet no way of knowing whether it will pan out accordingly.
So how about some tentative goals, shall we?
- Share the querying process with readers and aspiring authors
- Review books I’ve read (potentially starting with comparative titles to mine)
- Regale you with funny/clever/interesting/dramatic anecdotes from my time on this floating rock
- Respond to messages from readers and site visitors
What would you be most interested in seeing in my blog? Let me know!